Auto Repair
in Salem, VA

Business Hours:
Monday through Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Pillis Brothers Service Center is Ready to Handle Your Car Repairs
When you want excellent auto repair in Salem, VA, count on the car experts at Pillis Brothers Service Center. Our vehicles are important for us to live our daily lives. They get us to work, school, vacations, appointments, and everything in between. That means putting a lot of wear and tear on them whether you travel one mile or 1,000 miles.
Our trusted auto repair specialists have been serving Salem, VA and the surrounding area for nearly 80 years. We are constantly learning about the most up-to-date practices for taking care of your auto repairs. You always get high-quality work at a price that will not break the bank.
When you need your car taken care of, give us a call at (540) 389-6741 for an appointment.
Our Services
Keeping a Wide Array of Makes and Models Running at Peak Levels
Cars, much like everything else in life, will need a tune up. Sometimes, those repairs are small, while others are more involved. No matter what condition your car is in, our expert mechanics will carefully examine your vehicle. This will help us formulate an excellent plan so you can get back to life. Take a look at some of our tremendous car repair services:
No matter what you need done, rely on our quality car repair technicians to handle the job with great care. You will get excellent work that will keep your car running at peak levels.
Proud of Our Service to Salem, VA, and Beyond for Many Years
Our friendly and knowledgeable auto repair specialists know how much our friends and neighbors want to get on the road. No matter if that trip is short or long, you need it to be a safe one. That starts with making sure you have the right parts for your vehicle at every step of the process. No matter where you are going, make sure your vehicle is ready to handle the ride. We are proud to serve the following areas.
Botetourt County, VA
Montgomery County, VA
Craig County, VA
New Castle